UPDATE: It was previously reported that Seth Rollins’ finishing move, the Curb Stomp, has been banned by WWE. On last night’s episode of RAW, Rollins debuted a DDT variant to win his match with Dolph Ziggler. Now a new report suggests that the curb stomp wasn’t banned after all.
WWE reportedly made Rollins change the move due to safety issues. They believe that there is more that can go wrong with a move than not and they wanted to prevent possible problems in the future. However, they haven’t banned the move. The new move is considered a “semantic situation.” WWE doesn’t want to bring attention to the fact that they changed the move, but it’s not banned.
The curb stomp will join the piledriver. It won’t appear often on WWE TV but can still be used for special occasions. It’s unknown what move WWE will settle on to be Rollins’ official finisher, but it won’t be the curb stomp.
ORIGINAL: According to a source, WWE is reportedly banning Seth Rollins from using his finisher, the curb stomp. The feeling is that the move is too much of a direct liability and risk for a head injury. This comes during a time where all combat sports are trying to be more proactive when it comes to preventing head injuries and concussions.
WWE reportedly doesn’t want its top star doing the move every night and they also don’t want to be showing it in video clips. Last week on RAW, Rollins’ entrance video was primarily just graphics of his name because the usual video featured several clips of him using the move.
Keep in mind this is just a rumor at this point. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more.
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