UPDATE: Did Brock Lesnar Fly Back Home Last Night?, More

Partial Source: Pwinsider

UPDATE x 3: As noted earlier today, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was at Monday’s post-Fastlane edition of WWE RAW in Nashville, Tennessee, but for some reason was not used on the show.

Lesnar reportedly flew his private plane to Nashville early in the day on Monday, but WWE decided against using him as part of the program.

According to those who saw Lesnar on Monday, he was said to be “obviously angry” about something, with one source even claiming that he actually walked out before the taping began.

As far as what went down, there are a few different stories making the rounds. It’s said that whatever happened was not a creative conflict, but instead had something to do with the business relationship between WWE and Lesnar.

As noted earlier, Vince McMahon acknowledged the issue during a production meeting for WWE SmackDown held earlier today, but did not elaborate on what happened in terms of providing details during the meeting.

At this point, Lesnar has returned home to Minnesota, and is not backstage at the WWE SmackDown television taping tonight.

Lesnar is currently not advertised to appear for WWE again until the March 9th edition of RAW in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which gives WWE a few weeks to work out whatever issues are going on.

UPDATE x 2: Brock Lesnar was still in Nashville, TN (the site of RAW) this morning so he did not fly straight home last night. With that being said, he is now back in Minnesota after taking a flight out of Nashville either late this morning or early this afternoon.

We know Brock was backstage at RAW last night and there are conflicting reports as to whether he left the arena before the RAW TV taping ended. He was booked in the original script for RAW but that was changed later in the day after he had a meeting with Vince McMahon. Here is a photo of Lesnar in Nashville, TN earlier this morning:

UPDATE: Here are some additional details on the story. While there are several stories floating around backstage, we are being told that it was something regarding Lesnar’s business relationship with WWE that angered him and one source claims he left before the taping ended. In other words, it had nothing to do with any creative plans for Lesnar heading into WrestleMania.

Vince McMahon briefly acknowledged the issue during a production meeting for SmackDown today but didn’t elaborate on it. Lesnar is back home in Minnesota and is not backstage at SmackDown.

As things stand now, the next time Lesnar is booked for WWE TV is March 9th at a RAW TV taping.

ORIGINAL: According to a source, Brock Lesnar was involved in a backstage situation that WWE doesn’t want to get out. WWE announced several times that Brock would be on RAW with Paul Heyman to talk about Roman Reigns, but Lesnar never showed. He was backstage at the show.

There is much “more to the story” according to sources. The source notes, “The story is ongoing and still in progress. I don’t think anyone wants it out until whatever it is is settled…but something happened, but what that is, I do not know.”

The situation isn’t bad enough that the WrestleMania 31 main event is in jeopardy, but there is an unanswered question, and we don’t know what it is right now.

Story developing ….. stay tuned as we hear more.