There are reports floating around the internet today that claim Randy Orton has been spotted at a restaurant in St. Louis, the site of Sunday’s WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view, doing basically nothing to keep his presence hidden from the public.
It was reported earlier that Orton took a 9am flight out of Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he is filming a WWE Studios movie, to DFW Airport, connecting to St. Louis.
The fact that “The Viper” is in St. Louis doesn’t necessarily guarantee that he will be on the Survivor Series show, as he lives there and was reportedly in town visiting his father. However, he is definitely in town right now.
The belief from another one of the other sources is that Sting will be at Survivor Series on Sunday, but no one has yet to be able to officially confirm that to us. The initial reports that surfaced online claimed that Sting at Survivor Series is a definite, which would make sense timing wise for a number of reasons.
Make of it what you will. I would advise anyone to take the news with a huge grain of salt until we can get further confirmation.
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): New WWE Divas Eva Marie & Nikki Bella **KISSING EACH OTHER** ((HOT!!))!!