— Ted DiBiase, Jr. spoke with Mississippi Business Daily about his life after wrestling. He’s the co-founder of the charity-focused tech start-up GiveChat as well as part owner of CollegeGarageSale.com.
— The WWE House show on March 7th in Brooklyn, New York is currently in pre-sale with a password of BARCLAYS.
— The Gazette has a new article about John Cena granting a Make-A-Wish to thirteen year-old Crouzon syndrome sufferer Josh Whaley, who has undergone over a dozen surgeries including multiple brain surgeries.
— The 2014 WWE Tribute To The Troops special will air on NBC on December 27th from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
100% DIRECT LINK (*PICS*): Jim Ross In His Restaurant Uniform! HAHAHA!!!