Report Of Jerry Lawler At Baseball Game This Weekend

Thanks to reader Daniel for sending this along…

I attended the Somerset Patriots game in NJ this past Saturday night (05.17.2014) and Jerry “The King” Lawler was there to throw out the first pitch and sign autographs. Well, apparently the game was a double header so he didn’t get to throw out a first pitch.

The line to get Jerry’s autograph was large. They announced after the first game that people could meet him at section 206. I’m pretty sure people lined up earlier and knew this. They were charging $5 for a picture if you had nothing to get autographed. Otherwise, he’d autograph anything for free.

Jerry was nice enough to tell the staff that he would stay as long as it takes to get everyone in line an autograph. On top of this, he would have small conversations with people and took a picture with anyone that asked for it. Really nice of him!

It took almost 2 hours but I eventually got to him, shook his hand and said “Nice to meet you, Jerry!” He is a lot smaller in person that I’d imagine. He seemed pretty happy to be there and was in a great mood. I asked him when he was going over to Europe because I thought they were over there. He told me that all the guys were there already and he was flying out tomorrow night (Sunday) for the show on Monday.

I mentioned that the guys must have been having a great time over there and he just rolled his eyes and mentioned that the travel was hectic and they were all over in different countries. He seemed stressed about this so I immediately changed the subject over to his watch, which was a Batman watch. He told me he owned a Batmobile, which I thought was pretty badass. I got his autograph, took his picture, shook his hand again and said “God Bless you, Jerry!”. We probably could have kept talking as it seemed like he was interested in conversations, but the line needed to move so the ballpark staff hurried people up.

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