Jim Ross: ‘Daniel Bryan Fans Shouldn’t Be Worried’

Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry online. Check out the highlights:

On Daniel Bryan: “Enjoyed how Raw started and for all the Daniel Bryan conspiracy theorists that were very vocal Sunday night, Bryan’s inclusion in segment one and in the last segment of Raw should provide some anxiety relief for those thinking that no one in a decision making position is aware that Daniel Bryan is ‘over.’ Trust me, if WWE wanted to bury Bryan he would not have been in both the opening and closing segments of Monday Night Raw. I think that DB fans will be happy when this particular journey reaches its destination no matter how dysfunctional it may seem to be. ‘Yeah, but…..'”

On Raw’s main event: “The Elimination Chamber scenario is a bit confusing as the main event, six man tag could have had much more drama around its presentation. The match itself wasn’t bad at all but for what they were fighting for it seemed under promoted.”

On his podcast and FOX Sports projects: “My next FoxSports.com column will be published next week. Stay tuned. We are also planning on me writing an in depth, personal look at the history of WrestleMania in a three parter that will drop closer to the April 6 event. We found a studio near my home in Norman to produce my Podcast One shows which will hopefully begin in mid February. The plan is still for them to drop on Wednesdays. I will be taking your phone calls on some weeks and I’ve been busy contacting potential guests. That process could be an interesting, Fox Sports article in itself.”

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): AJ In Sexy Red Belly Shirt!! OH MY GOD!!