What’s Up With Harvey Wippleman?, Today’s Birthdays

— Former WWF manager Harvey Wippleman, who has been involved with the wrestling industry for thirty-five years, shares his times and struggles with Colt Cabana on Art of Wrestling. The podcast is available at TSMRadio.com/coltcabana. Scott Hall, George South and Michael Elgin were also recently interviewed.

— Members of The Heenan Family reunited Saturday at the Big Event convention in Flushing, New York. Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, King Kong Bundy, Haku, The Barbarian and Paul Orndorff (sporting a curly moustache) took photo-ops together with fans.

— WWE Hall of Famer “Cowboy” Bob Orton turns 63-years-old on Sunday. Also celebrating a birthday is WWE developmental trainer Bill DeMott, who turns 47. Ryback also turns 32 years old today.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): The New “Corporate” Kane! HAHAHA!!!!