Eric Bischoff Rips The ‘Dirtsheets’ + TNA iMPACT! Rating

— Last night’s episode of iMPACT! Wrestling drew a 0.95 (1.0) cable rating, with 1.13 million viewers, up 7% and 4% respectively from a 0.89 rating and 1.12 million viewers last week.

— Eric Bischoff posted the following Tweets denying a recent rumor that Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment’s contract with TNA expires next year:

Proving once again that so many wrestling “news” sites are a joke, reports of my (BHE’s) contract w TNA expiring in 2014 is bullshit.
— Eric Bischoff (@EBischoff) October 4, 2013

But these sites and the scum that live off them by publishing b.s. as fact is nothing new.
— Eric Bischoff (@EBischoff) October 4, 2013

We’re not sure where this came from but we never reported it here on this website. We’re also pretty sure that over half the TNA roster and numerous management officials in TNA consider Eric Bischoff the “joke” and “scum” of that company as Hogan and himself have done absolutely nothing for them. There are NUMEROUS people who can’t stand him and want him gone sooner rather than later.

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