Internal WWE Reaction To Hogan/Bischoff/TNA

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UPDATE: Several of WWE’s top producers/agents as well as production personnel have been discussing the recent comments Hulk Hogan made about TNA. Many feel that Hogan and Bischoff have been a poison to the company, with some saying that they have crippled TNA. Here is what a top WWE production person had to say about the situation…

“Vince McMahon forgives and forgets, and if he can make a dollar off Hogan in the future, you’ll see the Hulkster back in WWE. But everyone is buzzing at just how Hogan and Bischoff have all but crippled that company, and have done nothing to get it out of the hole Bruce Prichard dug for the company when he was in Dixie’s ear.”

ORIGINAL: During a Q&A in Toronto with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff over the weekend as part of a Fan Expo event, a fan asked Hogan what could be done to make TNA successful. Hogan said that Bischoff “needed to be given the keys to the car” and that, “somebody somewhere” needed to “drop all the resources we need like we had in the WWE and the WWF, whether it be cameras or money or vehicles or advertising” in order for TNA to work “in a perfect world.”

According to sources, those within TNA are upset about that statement for a number of reasons and there is “nuclear heat” on the two for hinting that the Carter family wasn’t giving TNA the proper resources. The comments are seen as a slap in the face of TNA President Dixie Carter from her top paid talent.

One wrestler said (while asking to be kept anonymous): “Even if you agreed with Hulk, the way it was said and the way it comes across in that video just completely disrespected Dixie, even if that’s not what he meant.”

Another reason they are upset is that Bischoff has been given creative control. From day one, he and Hogan have got their way with direction and ideas, including what talent was brought in, removing the six-sided ring, moving iMPACT! Wrestling to Mondays against RAW, taking TNA on the road and more. TNA agreed to the ideas hoping it would build their company. Basically, the two have gotten nearly everything they’ve asked for. The problem is that the company hasn’t grown since Bischoff and Hogan came on board in any aspect, including live events, ratings or licensing. With that being said, the two are placing the blame on everyone but themselves when it’s actually them who are screwing things up more and more. Let’s be honest though .. do you honestly think Bischoff or Hogan would ever put the blame on themselves? Of course not … they’ll blame the talents, management, Carter’s, etc and that’s exactly what they’re doing right now. That has pissed off a TON of people in the company including management and talent.

The company began touring but didn’t see any increased revenue that they were led to believe they would get. Instead, they had to restructure the company and become an “evil” company that let Jesse Sorensen go, as well as being in a position where money is an issue in re-signing AJ Styles. Again, many of these issues fall on the hands of Bischoff and Hogan.

TNA paid Hogan a good salary and put Bischoff in a position to be the liaison between Spike and TNA, even before Dixie Carter, who built the relationship between the two. The two continue to get rewards for being with the company while others have been fired or been given less money, and the company isn’t doing as well as they thought.

Several people are waiting to see what the interaction between the two and Dixie Carter will be at tonight’s show in Cleveland, the first time Hogan has been at a TNA taping in a month.

The anonymous wrestler added: “Hulk came across like he pretty much said that the company didn’t have anyone strong in charge and Eric was the savior. Well, they’ve been here years and Eric hasn’t saved anyone yet.”

BREAKING NEWS: Hulk Hogan gives notice at today’s TNA iMPACT! tapings >>