WWE Reveals Details On Their TOUT Investment

WWE’s 10-Q quarterly report filed with the SEC today revealed details on their investment in TOUT. The report notes that the company invested $5,000 in Series B Preferred Stock of Tout Industries, Inc. on June 25th and they entered into a two-year “strategic partnership” in which WWE promised to fully integrate and promote the Tout service with their TV shows, digital properties and live events. (And yes, that means we have at least another fourteen months of the company pushing TOUT.)

WWE is eligible to receive up to 11,250 shares of TOUT common stock per quarter over the life of the two-year agreement and for the first quarter of 2013 they “achieved the required performance metrics and recorded revenue of $0.2 million.”

You can read the full quarterly report here.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Candice Swanepoel Black LINGERIE PIXXXX – OMFG!!!