Cody Rhodes Speaks Out – Ziggler/Swagger/Del Rio, & More

Credit: DC 101

WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes was recently interviewed by Mike Jones of DC 101 to talk about wrestling after his recent European tour with the WWE. Below are some highlights:

Rhodes’ opinion of Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Del Rio’s feud: “Well I think when you have this scenario where you have a triple threat, the champion, whether you see it or not, is always at a disadvantage. But, the cool elements to what’s going on there is that it’s not just Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, and Dolph Ziggler. There’s a whole posse. They each have quite the group of rogues along with them. There’s Zeb Colter, that goes everywhere with Jack Swagger. There’s Big E. Langston and AJ, who go everywhere with Dolph and there’s Ricardo Rodriguez who, since we’re talking about this past Monday, he wrestled a match with Zubaz on. I haven’t seen Zubaz since the late eighties, early nineties of sports entertainment. So that was the boldest thing that happened on all of RAW, was Ricardo’s Zubaz.”

On what storylines he is paying attention to the most right now: “The post Wrestlemania fallout is always extremely intriguing because it’s just interesting to see who moves forward, who survives and who starts the path to Wrestlemania 30 on the right foot. I’ll be honest, it’s not necessarily a story line, but something I’ve really picked up and been keen to watch is Kofi Kingston, who just now is again the United States Champion. He also had a baby boy this week and Kofi has, for a long time, been one of the most underrated superstars in the WWE and as we head to Wrestlemania 30 it’s those type of guys [that he watches]. It’s Cesaro. It’s Kofi Kingston. It’s Dolph Ziggler. It’s myself. It’s that bearded maniac who hangs out there with me, Damien Sandow. It’s all these superstars that I want to see on Wrestlemania 30, that I want to see moving forward, elevate themselves. That’s only natural because the audience has seen them long enough now to where the audience is really starting to get behind different individuals from that group.”

100% LINK (*PICS*): More Of Cody Rhodes With GIRLFRIEND Eden Stiles! SUPER-HOT!