Backstage Update: The Del Rio-Swagger Storyline Plans

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— You can now follow me (Ryan Clark) on Facebook and Twitter. My Facebook account is located at and my Twitter account is at My Facebook page is “maxed out” for friend requests but you can still “subscribe” to get my updates. You’ll also be able to comment on my threads. Hope to see you soon!

— As noted late last night here on the website, Damien Sandow will replace Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez at the March 15th NXT show in Immokalee, Florida.

— At this time, the plans are for the feud between Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger to carry on after WrestleMania 29. The current plans include them working a submission match at the Extreme Rules PPV.

— You can email me (Ryan Clark) at If you’ve got a newsbit please pass it along. We’ll try to confirm it and then post it here on the website with credit to you.

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