Todd Pettengill Confirms WWE Rumors + Shaul Guerrero Update

— A new article by Michael Flannelly of looks at WWE stock and how it has “never been a strong stock for investors” and how some analysts have a lot riding on the Royal Rumble PPV this Sunday. The article points to declining revenues, declining television ratings and even points to the possibility of Vince McMahon selling adding, “Though it seems like the WWE has some sort of line of succession coming from Vince McMahon and his family, it might not be that far fetched of an idea for the entertainment company to sell. If the company continues to face financial hardships, no solution can truly be off the table.” To view the article, click here.

— Former WWE developmental Diva Shaul Guerrero is now working on her music career. Shaul is the real-life daughter of Vickie and Eddie Guerrero.

— We reported yesterday here on the website that former WWE announcer Todd Pettengill was recently spotted at WWE Headquarters, which led to speculation that he would be working with WWE on the Best of WWE In Your House DVD set. Pettengill has confirmed on his Facebook that he will host the WWE’s “Best of In Your House” DVD and Blu-ray, which is out on April. When asked about it, he replied: “lol Yes it’s true… had a great time seeing the ‘old gang'”

A SHOCKING **NEW LOOK PHOTO** Of Todd Pettengill HERE {>>] **TOP POST NOW**!!