Complete Royal Rumble Fanfest Match Results Inside Here

Credit: Brian Underhill

The following are complete match results from today’s WWE Royal Rumble Fan Fest in Phoenix, AZ:

-Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre with 3MB. Kofi wins as Mahal and Slater try to interfere. Kofi ducks on the ropes and McIntyre takes the other two out followed by a trouble in paradise.

-Natalya vs. Alicia Fox. Natalya wins with the Sharp Shooter and Fox taps out.

-Percy Watson vs. Rick Victor. Victor wins on a quick roll up pin, however Watson dominated most of the match.

-Alberto Del Rio cuts an in-ring promo.

-NXT Divas Tag Team Match: Summer Rae and ? vs. Sasha and Page. Page and Sasha get the pin fall when Page pins Summer Rae.

-Damien Sandow comes out with Cody Rhodes and they cut a promo.

-Jake Carter vs. Bray Wyatt. Wyatt gets the quick win after hitting a Rock Bottom type move for the pin fall.

-Sheamus vs. Heath Slater. Sheamus gets the win with the Brogue Kick after Mahal and McIntyre try to interfere.