— Bill Apter of 1Wrestling.com recently caught up with “The Doctor of Style,” Slick. The memorable WWE manager reveals what he’s up to these days and has a message for grappling fans.
— WWE Hall of Famer “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka will be signing copies of his autobiography Superfly: The Jimmy Snuka Story at Barnes & Noble 100 Greyrock Place Stamford, Connecticut, on Saturday, January 12, 2013 beginning at 2:00 p.m. For more info call 203-323-1248.
— Mark Briscoe of Ring of Honor attempted to auction off his false teeth on eBay last week but the listing was later removed by the website since auctioning human remains and body parts is prohibited. Here is a video ROH put out promoting the auction.
— Combat Zone Wrestling will hold the 14th annual Cage of Death this Saturday, December 8, in Voorhees, New Jersey.
Here’s the card:
– Matt Tremont vs. DJ Hyde inside the Cage of Death!
-Adam Cole vs. Sami Callihan – NO HOLDS BARRED CZW RULES!
-CZW champion Masada vs. Drake Younger
-4-Loco vs. the Nation of Intoxication – ULTRAVIOLENT INSANITY!
-CZW Wired champion A R Fox vs. TBA – Open Challenge.
-BLK OUT vs. Jake & Rich Crist.
-Rich Swann vs. Shane Strickland.
-Greg Excellent and his mother vs. Drew Gulak & Kimber Lee.
You can find more information here.
The Cage of Death will be part two of a double header as EVOLVE will hold EVOLVE 18 in the afternoon.
There will be a bus trip to both events from New York City with pick-ups in Queens and Manhattan. You can find more details here. There are limited seats left for the trip, priced at $129, which covers transportation to both events, an iPPV replay of the Cage of Death, a Sami Callihan Q&A and tickets to both EVOLVE and CZW.
100% DIRECT LINK (**BRAND NEW** PHOTOS): Maryse Walking The Red Carpet **YESTERDAY**!!!