WWE’s Shot At UFC Nixed, WWE Network Update, Coach/Grisham

Partial Source: Pwinsider.com

— WWE has filmed a lot of footage for the WWE Network at WWE headquarters in Stamford, CT. The Network is currently set to launch in early 2013.

— WWE considered taking a shot at the UFC over the UFC 151 fiasco, which led to the event being cancelled. There was talk about then mentioning that they have never cancelled a PPV event, but it ended up not happening.

Eric Sturrock sent this one in: Todd Grisham and The Coach hosted ESPNEWS Sportscenter together for the first time together. They started the show off with Grisham saying “Welcome to Sportscenter alongside The Coach I’m…..” Coach cut him off “Does it really matter who you are?” Their first story together was about WR Mike Wallace showing up to the Pittsburgh Steelers, They talked about his money showing up. Coach: “His millions..” Grisham: “And millions….” Coach: “And Millions.” Later, they joked about who would read one story, then when they did a live cut in to tennis they sarcastically joked about how exciting it was. At the end of the show Coach told a story about two tennis players who are dating eating snow cones, Todd said “Interesting story.” Coach: “Well, that’s what I get paid for.” Grisham posted a picture on Twitter of them together at the desk, noting it was their first time together on TV in five years.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Classic “CLEAVAGE” Pics Of Amy “Lita” Dumas! **HOLY CRAP**!!!