CM Punk Speaks Out – Working With Heyman, Y2J’s Breaks

CM Punk recently spoke to about the possibility of working with Paul Heyman, his possible retirement and Chris Jericho taking breaks from WWE. Here are the highlights…

On Possible Retirement: “I can’t really figure that out. I’ve never done nothing, I’ve never had a break. Maybe I’d miss it in a year.”

On His Goals: “Not many. I kind of want to make a few guys and girls. And, I think I’ve done a little bit of that with A.J. I want to make sure there’s a future for the wrestling business when I leave. I want to make sure there are people that fill that void.”

On Chris Jericho Coming and Going: “I think that’s a smart thing for anybody,” Punk said. “Look at anybody in our industry who’s been injured for any period of time. Like Triple H for instance, he tore his quad and when he came back the response for him was overwhelming. That kind of put him on a new level.”

On working with Paul Heyman: “I’d love to. But, he’s busy with Brock. And, I don’t know if the Paul Heyman/C.M. Punk dynamic would work on screen. I don’t need a mouthpiece. And, I think we’re two separate entities. But, behind the scenes we get along famously.”

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