Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer
— According to sources, there isn’t any excitement backstage over all the new RAW format changes. Most believe RAW won’t stay three hours for long and will be back to two by the end of 2012. Many also groaned when WWE revealed the new “RAW Active” features of social media during the show. Most feel that the third RAW hour will be used to promote social media and positive fan comments.
— THQ has updated the WWE ’13 roster on their website. Several unofficial roster lists have been circulating online for months, but the current confirmed roster includes: Mike Tyson, Steve Austin, CM Punk, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Mankind and The Big Show.
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Kelly Kelly Showing Off Her Sexy Abs! GOOD LORD SHE’S SMOKIN’ HOT!!!