**SPOILERS** WWE Superstars Results For Thursday

(1) WWE tag champs David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty beat Santino & Chris Masters. New entrance music for Nexus and “Santino” chants early on. Good back-and-forth, then Santino was isolated for a while. Hot tag to Masters, who was nailed from behind by Mike for Nexus to win.

(2) Alex Riley beat Jack Swagger. Fair heat for Swagger. Big pop for A-Ry. Swagger with a waistlick take down early on followed by stiff slaps to the back of Rikey’s head. Riley came back with a flurry of offense. Swagger regained control and threw Riley in to the barricade, taking control for a few minutes. Riley mounted the comeback and nailed the Impaler DDT for the three count.

(3) Heath Slater beat Trent Baretta.

100% LINK (*PICS*): Batista Looking *SKINNY* & *OLD*! WTF Happened To Him?!