News On John Cena, WrestleMania Travel Package, Neidhart

— has a review of the WWE Film Legendary.

Steve Weinbloom sent this one: If you order the Wrestlemania Platinum Travel Package, the best seats you will get are those in Rows 3-15, which are the $860 seats. Seating is being assigned in those sections based on when your order came in for the package. So, fans that ordered the package expecting the best seats in the house won’t even have a chance at the first two rows, which are being sold for $1,000 a pop.

The Calgary Herald has an article up on the arrest of Jim Neidhart, including comments from his oldest daughter Jenni as well as comments from Ross Hart. You can check out that article at

— Here is the update for the WWE Classics OnDemand service:

TV Classics
* NWA’s WCW on TBS 7/18/87
* World Class Championship Wrestling 10/29/83

WWE fires…………. ?