Bryan Danielson & Tyler Black Work Final Indy Dates, Kane

— A World Heavyweight Championship bout between Kane and The Undertaker was officially announced for Hell in a Cell last night on SmackDown!. The match will take place inside the Hell in a Cell.

— Bryan Danielson’s final independent bookings will be finished after this weekend. He’s wrestling at tonight’s PPV taping in Chicago as well as Sunday’s DVD taping in Milwaukee.

— On September 24th, 2010, I had the opportunity to attend this show from AAW, on a very big weekend in the midwest seeing as Dragon Gate USA is also taping two shows this weekend. It has been over a year since I attended one of their shows (I attended AAW Defining Moment 2009, a fantastic show that also featured one of Bryan Danielson’s last independent matches at the time.) The main focus on this show going into it was that it would be the very last independent wrestling appearance of Tyler Black before he goes to WWE. However, as big as that is, that should not take credit away from some wrestlers who did very well for themselves on this show. As expected, Tyler was insanely over (as was Jimmy). I thought this match was completely fantastic. Everyone played their role in excellent fashion. The House of Truth looked really great hitting some fantastic stuff, as did the Age of the Fall. In the closing moments of the match, Silas Young went against his word and came out and took Jacobs to the back, leaving Tyler to fend for himself. He kicked out of the Tower of Truth and the fans went really bonkers. He laid out Truth Martini and Christian Able and was about to hit God’s Last Gift on Josh Raymond who reversed it into an inside cradle for the victory. Personally, I would call this match must-see for a whole multitude of reasons. Obviously the biggest reason is it is Tyler Black’s final independent match. Secondly, the performance by the House of Truth (particularly Josh Raymond) was very good. Thirdly, the match as a whole was a real show-stealer. The crowd was so into it and it was about 23 minutes of fantastic action. After the match, many guys came to the ring as Tyler cut a promo thanking the everyone and encouraged people to support AAW after he left. Huge chants for Tyler and AAW to close the show, as Tyler went around ringside high fiving the fans. (Credit: JP Nichols)