RAW Dark Match & Partial WWE Superstars **SPOILERS**

Johnny Angel sent in this report from Nashville, TN:

Superstars TV taping for Thursday’s show:

(1) Mark Henry beat NXT Rookie Husky Harris with the World’s Strongest Slam.

(2) Yoshi Tatsu & Gail Kim beat Primo & Jillian Hall. Gail won with a school boy.

(3) Zack Ryder beat Goldust with the Rough Ryder. Goldust had a strong reaction.

Happenings during the live Raw:

Before the big tag match in the second hour with Chris Jericho & Edge vs. Randy Orton & Evan Bourne, Jericho and Edge delivered a great promo on Orton and Bourne for the live audience.

After retaining the Divas Title, Alicia Fox gave a good snub to the crowd when the lights went down. She walked without a limp and taunted the crowd with the belt.

After Raw went off the air:

Dark Match: John Cena & Randy Orton beat WWE champion Sheamus & Edge in a tag match. Cena and Orton won with a simultaneous Attitude Adjustment and RKO.

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