Top TNA Star Speaks Out On Hulk Hogan & TNA Wrestling

Alex Marvez has an interview up with TNA star Samoa Joe. Here are some of the highlights.

On the new changes in TNA with Hulk Hogan signing:
“This is definitely a transitional period in TNA. There’s been some news that has trumped what’s going on currently, but I think people who tune in Sunday will be pleasantly surprised. To me, being in this situation is not that big a deal. You never really know what’s going on that far over the horizon anyway (in wrestling). I’m just excited to have the opportunity for another shot at doing something great in front of the fans, like working with Chris and A.J.”

If he is worried at all about Hogan in TNA:
“Anybody who knows me knows I’m not worried at all. You can look at this as a challenge as far as my spot in the company. Call it arrogance or whatever, but I’m confident enough in my ability. I’m the only person who could stop me from being successful in this business. No matter who comes in, I’m going to do what I do to entertain and push forward.”

On his personal feelings about Hogan:
“Hulk seems pretty inspired, from what I’m hearing. I’m a huge personal fan of his. He’s always been complimentary when asked about me. I don’t really know what’s going to ultimately happen. TNA has been keeping a tight lid on their plans with Hulk. From what I’ve gathered being in the (TNA) office this past week, people across the board are excited. The end result should be interesting.”

Who requested their release from TNA yesterday?, details here!