CM Punk’s Jab At Hardy, Hogan Praises Y2J, The Rock, Backstage News

» The promo at WWE’s Breaking Point PPV where CM Punk buried Jeff Hardy was a last-minute addition. Punk cut his original promo and then Vince McMahon stepped in and told him to do it again and throw in a jab about Hardy.

» During his appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge recently, Hulk Hogan had some high praise for both Edge and Chris Jericho, more so with Jericho. Hogan said he didn’t really get the popularity of Jericho when he first came back to WWE, but eventually was begging Vince to let them work together because Jericho was “so amazing and such a complete wrestler.” He added that Jericho was so good that he would let him be the ring general and call their matches and he would love to work with him exclusively.

» Here is the latest on Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s upcoming movie ventures. His next movie project will be The Other Guys, with a star-studded line-up of Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Wahlberg, Will Farrell and Michael Keaton. Johnson and Jackson play two “star” police officers in New York, whereas Farrell and Wahlberg play the “loser cops” who finally get a chance to outshine the star cops. Filming for the movie began this week and it is tentatively scheduled for release in August. Johnson will begin promoting his next Disney flick, The Tooth Fairy, in December. Johnson plays Derek Thompson, a minor league hockey player player who has the nickname “Tooth Fairy” because he knocks opponents’ teeth out. The movie’s plot line has Thompson becoming the real Tooth Fairy as a result of his bad deeds. His character in The Tooth Fairy is quite similar to the character he played in The Game Plan; a cocky athlete put into bad position, misbehaves constantly at the beginning, but learns his lesson and becomes a hero in the end. The The Tooth Fairy will hit theaters on January 22, 2010. Lastly, Johnson lent his voice to the animated movie Planet 51, which is slated to be released on November 20, 2009.