Backstage WWE Creative Team News, The Miz Slams MMA, More

The Times Leader has an interview up with WWE star The Miz where he slams MMA and boxing events when comparing them to WWE. He added, “Our main events aren’t three minutes long. We’re out to entertain the people. (A WWE event) is like a cross between a rock concert, a sporting event and an improv show. There’s just so much that goes into WWE that no other promotion has.”

The lack of much happening on WWE Monday Night Raw this past week is because creative was described as being beyond tired by having to book so much television and having only three weeks in between PPV events. As reported earlier, they were not exactly thrilled to book tonight’s Hell in a Cell PPV and felt very limited in what they could do on TV due to the nature of the show. Much of the talent this past week went right from TV tapings to either Europe or Central American and then flew right back again for TV. So the combination of the worn out creative team and talent made for a rather average show.

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