More On The Big Show-Great Khali Backstage Fight Inside

As noted earlier, the talk at last night’s RAW taping in Chicago was a backstage fight between The Great Khali and Big Show that took place at Saturday’s WWE Smackdown/ECW house show event in Arecibo, Puerto Rico at the Manuel Iguina Coliseum.

According to several sources, there was said to have been some heat between the two even before the fight took place. This includes Show reportedly being upset with Khali using moves that he feels should be exclusive to him as a “giant” in WWE. As for the fight itself, the two were described as getting into an argument after a six man tag team match that night which featured The Undertaker, The Great Khali & Matt Hardy vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk & WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show. One story said Khali botched the finish and Show called him out on it and they started grappling around.

Upon arriving backstage, The Big Show reportedly threw the first punch as one source described it. Khali blocked it (in what some described as the same exact way he does it in the ring) and the two began fighting. Show then slipped on something and went down leading to Khali jumping on top of him. At this point several wrestlers including The Undertaker broke it up and the crew was ordered at that point to keep them apart of the rest of the tour in Puerto Rico. For what it is worth, Big Show was seen as being at fault for the fight among the wrestlers as we noted earlier.

EXCLUSIVE: The Great Khali suspended today at the SD! tapings…..