Happy Labor Day, Y2J vs. ‘Taker Interesting Note, Angelina Love

— Just to clarify something real quick. The presser that we posted earlier today from Michael Klyzub (a rep for Angelina Love) really made no sense. We’ve only posted here on the website that there were Visa issues between Angelina Love and TNA. In Michael’s press release, he noted This in no way has anything to do with Contract Disputes or trouble with the office as has been reported. I’m not sure where that came from but we never reported that here. He also noted: Both myself and my client have been bombarded with “News” stories and rumors concerning her situation from friends and fans alike, all or partially linked to your content. Interesting.

— On behalf of everyone here on the website, I’d like to wish you all a very happy Labor Day holiday. As always, thanks for your continued support of the website. There would be no us without you and we thank each and every single one of you for your support. I hope to see you tomorrow night (Tuesday) from 7-9EST on WZR Radio at WZROnline.com.

— Believe it or not, Chris Jericho and the Undertaker crossed paths for the first time ever for this past weekend. Y2J noted the following on his twitter page: “After working in WWE for ten years, I wrestled the Undertaker for the first time ever tonight. A true legend and a great experience.” Jericho teamed with the Big Show and CM Punk to be defeated by Matt Hardy, Great Khali and of course, the Undertaker.

Arrest warrant issued for Randy Orton…. major backstage RAW story!