Backstage News Samoa Joe’s New Look, Konnan-TNA Lawsuit

» In regards to Samoa Joe’s new look and costume, TNA made him a new costume despite outcries that it doesn’t look good at all and comes off very minor league for a guy they are trying to push as a top star. According to reports, the plan with the new outfit was to make him a bigger star than ever before. Of course that has backfired in the eyes of many watching the product right now. Joe taking time off and coming back heavier also didn’t seem to do him any favors either. Some are comparing his new costume to that of Mike Shaw’s short-lived WWE character Friar Ferguson as their respective outfits appear to be made of the same material. You can see a video of Friar Ferguson at

» As noted last year, TNA has a lawsuit on their hands, courtesy of former performer Charles Ashenoff (Konnan). He is suing his former employer for racism and discrimination, alleging that while the company said that they would help pay for his hip replacement surgery, they did not. In an update on the lawsuit, TNA is responsible for the first million dollars in their defense against Ashenoff, but insurance kicked in after the first million and will cover additional legal fees and any potential losses. Ashenoff’s lawyer Cary Ichter has been reaching out to several people within TNA in hopes of finding additional people who will testify against the company.

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