**SPOILERS** iMPACT! Results For NEXT Week

NOTE FROM RYAN CLARK: I apologize for the terrible grammar here by Josh. I will edit tomorrow and re-post. Just wanted to get something up tonight.

Credit: TNAWrestlingNews.com’s Josh Benoit

Pre impact ODB defeats Sojo bolt with a leap from the 2nd rope into a pin. ODB was with Cody Deaner, it was typical knockouts match nothing newswrothy to report. post match ODB and cody celebrated and the crowd was totally behind ODB, this was either a implosion match or a webmatch they didn’t say.

Before Impact tapings started all the TNA talent came down to the ramp for a announcement by Jim Cornette.

Standard video opening for impact MINUS the pyro as they cut straight to Jim Cornette in the middle of the ring to announce that at lockdown in Philly there will be a lethal lockdown match then cornette goes on to explain the rules of the lethal lockdown match and announces that tonight’s main event will be a 20 man steel cage gauntlet match and the last 2 standing will be this year’s captains. then out comes Kurt Angle with mafia in tow minus sting. and says tonight that he will win the gauntlet match and be a captain and goes on to says that on his team would be Booker T, Nash and and Steiner. Then Jarrett music hits and he says he is in the match tonight to make sure that doesn’t Happen. then they begin to brawl and Jarrett is separated by the TNA frontline and the mafia hold back Kurt.

The 1st match of the night is Kiyoshi w/ team no limit vs suicide for the x-division championship

Pre match Tna management hands out the new suicide shirt so it looks like there are tons of suicide fans in attendance

Pretty good opening match for impact lots of good high action spots, the match ends when suicide does his finisher on Kiyoshi to get the easy pinfall victory and retain the x-division title.

Next match was Kong and siheed vs the Beautiful people w/ Madison rayne but no cute kip

Sky starts out the match against siheed and then she tags to love who points to Kong and siheed tags in Kong and she goes on to manhandle love. end of the match saw sky get the pinfall on siheed,while love attacks Kong on the outside and distracts her long enough so sky can get the pinfall and the victory.

Post match saw the beautiful people attack Kong and attempt to cut Kong’s dreads but doesn’t get the chance to as she runs them off.

Next up is a segment with sting and Foley, sting calls out Foley to explain why he has been hit with a steel chair the past 2 weeks. Foley comes out and shows the video of the week before main event and says he was woozy from Kurt angle’s chair shot during the match and he saw sting had jarett guitar and saw that he was in danger so that is why Foley used the chair on him to get the win. and Foley does accept the match for lockdown so it will be icon vs legend at lockdown sting vs Mick Foley. Foley says he isn’t retired yet and still has a few good matches left in him. and that lockdown is being more talked about than that “other” wrestling event in April.

Tna ring staff comes out to install the 6 sides of steel for tonight 20 man gauntlet main event which is next!!!

The rules for the gauntlet match is 2 people begin in the ring and every 2 minutes another one enters the cage and the last 2 remaining are the captains for lethal lockdown.

The 1st 2 people in the cage are abyss and legends champ AJ styles, and then next out is Alex shelly and then jay lethal and then Chris sabin enters and then matt Morgan comes in, no elimations yet, matt Morgan gets out via abyss and then in comes homicide into the match and then strainer enters the cage then homicide is out via sabin, then creed enters the cage followed by Rhino then jarett is next BUT angle cuts him off and beats him up ringside and is taken to the back. then next in is 1 of the team no limit guys then Alex shelly is out via jay lethal then in comes Kurt angle next who makes creed tap out to the ankle lock then lethal goes out via angle the no limit guy gets out via strainer then next out is Shane only to get angle slammed and getting elimated by angle. then next comes in bashir followed by booker T, AJ styles is out via booker T,booker T is out via rhino,next in is the 2nd team no limit guy,bashir is out via angle,next in is Eric young,Abyss is out via strainer,Eric is out via angle, no japan is out via rhino,rhino is out via angle,next in is herandez,herandez is out via angle,jarett then finally enters the cage with tape on his shoulder and get double teamed by angle and Scott strainer,strainer get eliminated by jarett then angle pins Jarett thanks to help from strainer and then the last guy in the cage is Samoa Joe who manhandles angle for the pinfall and the win. after the end of the match pyro goes of for Joe winning the match. so at lockdown we have team JOE vs team angle in lethal lockdown.

Confirmed matches for LOCKDOWN

Icon vs legend Sting vs Mick Foley- non title

Team 3D vs Beer money Inc. for both the tna tag titles and IWGP tag titles

Team Joe vs team angle in lethal lockdown match

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