TNA iMPACT! Results For Next 2 Weeks

Thanks to John Benoit for sending in these spoilers:

TNA iMPACT! opens up with the standard video and pyro.

Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring and says since Joe doesn’t want to be captain he has to pick a captain for Team Joe. He also announces that on Team Angle will be the Main Event Mafia of course minus Sting. He calls out AJ Styles and asks him to be Team captain and says he is delighted at the offer and will be on team Joe but he doesn’t want to be captain. He thinks Jarrett should be the captain since Jarett also has backed the frontline though thick and thin. He says that you should be the captain and Jarrett says ok to being Captain of team Joe. then Scott Stainer comes down and says why is he still hanging around with these losers and that he should be in MEM and they have known each other for a long time and before his wife died he promised her to help take care of Jeff and his kids. Jarrett says no to the offer to end the segment.

Bashir, Team No Limit and Keyoshi defeat LAX, Creed, & Lethal – Bashir gets the Pinfall on Creed to win the match the match – very fast paced and a great tag match put on by all 6 men. Lots of great spots in the match.

Angle, Booker T and Nash come down to the ring, Angle calls out Sting, who then comes down to the ring. Angle says that he is sorry for all the things he has done to Sting in the past 3 months. Sting doesn’t buy the whole I am sorry bit and asks Angle to say it again to make sure he heard that right from Angle. Then sting says he doesn’t accept the apology from Kurt and starts to walk away and then Nash pleads with Sting to accept the apology from Kurt. Then from outta nowhere Mick Foley music hits but he is nowhere to be seen then the screen goes to Foley who is lying up in the rafters of the impact zone. Foley said he has spent some time getting to know an old friend of his again and then shows the crowd the Foley stick. And says he thought Sting needed a pre lockdown tune up match. So Foley has booked Sting vs. Joe for tonight.

Beer Money Inc. has made their way to the announce table for the next match.

Team 3D defeats MEM security in a quick match – Typical Team 3D squash match here. Post match MEM Security attacks Team 3D with chairs and Beer Money comes into the ring to make the save. Both tag teams look at each other and then leave the ring.

Sting defeats Samoa Joe via DQ – Joe continues his Nation of violence theme by shoving the Ref down which caused him to DQ Joe. Joe continues to beat up Sting post match but Booker T comes down to try and help Sting. Joe takes care of both of them and the Joe kidnaps Bookers wife and takes her out a side entrance. Booker gives chase to them.

Taylor Wilde defeats Madision Rayne with the Beautiful people at ringside – Typical Knockouts match, post match Beautiful people attack Wilde and try and cut her hair but she escapes and runs away. Beautiful people send Rayne after her with the hair clippers. Lots of ‘We want Kip’ chants during the match.

The main event saw Scott Steiner defeat AJ Styles – Kurt Angle came out and helped Stainer during the match and Jarrett came out to fight Angle on the outside but Angle slid a chair in and Aj’s face landed on it. Scott was able to score the victory for Team Angle.

Team Angle now has a 1-0 advantage in the lethal lockdown advantage best of 3 matches.

That concludes this weeks TNA iMPACT!

Week two of iMPACT! opens without any pyro and or opening video.

The Main Event Mafia come out to the ring to cut a promo and Sting calls out Jeff Jarrett to have a talk with him out in the open and not behind closed doors. Sting wants to know who is running TNA now is it Jarrett or Foley? He wasn’t too happy Foley booked a tune up match last week for him against Joe. So to make things fair he thinks Foley should have his own tune up match tonight here in the impact zone against Scott Steiner. The MCMG music hits and says they were in the back playing Xbox and they heard they needed someone to fight Foley tonight. So they are offering up there services for hire tonight as Alex Shelly ever since last thanksgiving when he had to put on that UGLY turkey suit has been waiting to get back at Mick Foley for making him do that. So tonight they want a 2 on 1 handicap match against Mick Foley. Jarrett says OK and we have tonight’s main event.

Foley comes out with a book in his hand and says he has began writing his next book “cross the line” and then he pulls a birthday card from the book from his son Dewey’s past birthday and it says happy birthday birthday Dewey from the MCMG 24/7 365. Then Dewey told Foley that he wanted to do his hair like Alex Shelly’s haircut, so Foley puts up a before picture of his son Dewey with golden blond hair. Then Foley goes on to say he had to go on the the road for about 6 days and when he came back it looked like this, and it shows Dewey with a Alex Shelly haircut in a picture. And that really upset Foley. He says he can adjust matches has changed the main event to a first blood match. Foley says he is gunna mess up Shelly so bad that NOBODY will want to look like him. and then he says have a nice day BANG BANG. Foley also invites Sting to ringside to be guest enforcer so he can get a good look at what he is facing at Lockdown.

Robert Roode defeats Eric Young in a quick match, Nothing really newswrothy to report here just a typical quick match.

MCMG defeats Mick Foley in a first blood match. Very quick paced match with lots of action by the MCMG. Lots of Foley getting thrown into the steel guardrails ring side. Foley brought down his baseball bat with the barbed wire on it but set it at the announce table. Foley does socko on Alex Shelly and draws blood but stops the ref from ringing the bell so he can inflict more damage on the MCMG. End came when Sting hit Foley with a steel chair which caused him to bleed a lot and gave the MCMG the victory.

Post match – Foley and Sting brawl ringside while TNA security tries to break them up. They are eventually separated and Sting heads to the back.

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