Lawler To Host HOF Ceremony, Santino’s ‘Mania Role Revealed?

As noted on Raw, Jerry “The King” Lawler will be hosting the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. You can catch a one-hour broadcast of the event on USA this Saturday night at 10:00 p.m.

WWE officials have given thought to Santino Marella participating in the 25-Diva Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXV in drag, reports The Sun.

TNA Knockout Traci Brooks posted a blog on her MySpace account regarding her recent trip to Iraq visiting troops. Brooks wrote: “So Cal Val and I are back safe and sound..a little injured(my poor chest) jet lagged and worn out but what an amazing experience…it is so hard to sum up the trip…how do we describe what we saw, what we experienced, or how it changed the way we look at life?” Brooks said her trip to Iraq made her look at things a lot differently. The Knockout wrote: “i said before it was so strange for me to hear them say thank you…thank you for what? it was only 10 days out of our lives and they spend up to a yr over there and alot of them were kids on their 2nd or 3rd tours..and they are saying thank you to us?…it makes you look at life alot differently, to appreciate everything.”

PHOTOS: Stephanie McMahon Now With BLOND Hair! [View HERE ….]