Did Bobby Lashley Win His Fight?, Details Inside Here

Here is the MMAScoops.com play-by-play report of Bobby Lashley’s MMA fight tonight:

They air highlights and previews for the Lashley vs. Guida match. Comments from both Lashley and Guida. Jason Guida comes out first followed by Bobby Lashley. They put over wrestling. They are really pro boxing and pro MMA tonight. They event bought up Lashley vs. McMahon at WrestleMania 23 w/ Donald Trump as well as a streetfight with Vince McMahon. HAH! Seth Pretuzzelli noted that “If you can beat Vince McMahon, you can beat anybody.” They noted that Lashley still loved pro wrestling but also liked the MMA aspect.

Round one starts with Lashley shoots in early but it is defended. Lashley lands a right but it does no damage. Another right hand nails Guida but he takes that well too. Lots of clinch fighting here. Lashley goes for a single leg takedown but that fails as well. Lashley is looking for the takedown over and over. The ref. separates the two. Lashley comes out on the attack and lands a series of shots. They clinch as time runs out. Both men do look tired though. End of round one.

Round two starts out with Lashley landing a good right hand and then raises the leg up taunting Guida. A MAJOR side slam by Lashley slams Guida to the mat. Lashley on top now with Guida doing a great job in guard. Lashley lands a few punches while on top although Guida has a good guard. They get tied up in the ropes while on the ground and the ref. restarts it in the same position in the middle of the ring. Lashley controls this round while being on top of Guida almost the entire time. Both rounds look to be Lashley so far.

Round three starts with the two clinching up. Lashley lands some hard shots but Guida once again takes them. Lashley is being pushed tonight for sure. Lashley shoots in and takes Guida down but Guida has a gouetine choke and it’s in GOOD! Wow, Lashley is about to tap but – no! He prys Guida’s hand off somehow. That was close. Lashley was near tapping for sure. Lashley regains control on top. The crowd starts to booo as Lashley stays on top and does little to nothing. Both men exhausted here. Lashley wins round three as well in my opinion. Not a very exciting win at all.

The official scores were 30-27 by all three judges for Bobby Lashley.

They interviewed Bobby Lashley after the match and he was asked about the near choke tapout. He said he dug deep and held on because it was tight. He said Guida played head games before the match and said Guida brought him out of the game with the shit talking. He said he’s going back to look at the tape of this fight and will see what’s next after that.

The announcer noted Lashley was a former WWE champion when he introduced him.

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