Cena Uses A Ton Of Water, Y2J Has Choice Words For Obama

The St. Petersburg Times has a story listing John Cena as one of the biggest water users in the Tampa Bay area — third to be exact. According to the article, his mansion in Land O’Lakes, Florida used 2 million gallons of water last year despite a drought. In comparison, the average family uses 7,500 gallons of water per month — or 90,000 gallons per year.

TMZ.com cameras caught up with Chris Jericho this week, who had choice words for President Barack Obama. When asked, “You’re a wrestler, so do you think you have better abs than Barack Obama?”, Jericho responded, “As of right now I have better abs … but pretty soon he’s gonna take 65% of my abs away from me and give ’em to somebody else.” You can see the video clip at TMZ.com.

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