Candice Responds To ‘Haters’, Contract Is Not Expiring This Year?

Sidelined WWE Diva Candice Michelle has posted a new blog on the WWE Universe site and she has a lot to say.

She starts off by offering her condolences to the family and friends of former WWE Superstar Andrew “Test” Martin, who passed away this past Friday. Candice wrote: “First and foremost I wanna offer my condolences, prayers, and love to the family and friends of Andrew “Test” Martin! This isn’t an easy thing to hear about someone in our community! I had alot of respect for him and am thankful for being blessed with knowing him!”

Candice then confirms reports of her ankle injury, which has kept her sidelined the past few weeks. Candice explains how she got the injury: “I also just wanted to catch up with y’all since its been awhile since Ive been on Raw and there has been many speculations on why? Unfortunately I have been injured again! No its not my collarbone or anything in association with that! My collarbone is 100% healed! I was training really hard actually twice a day and while doing a flying punch on a bag that was held by a donut like apparatus I landed on it, rolled my ankle and fell on it! I have 2 torn ligaments one a 3rd degree sprain and the other a 2nd degree. However I’m healing really well and faster than what doctors expected! My injury was just a mishap unlike what others have heard or said, just a misfortunate event! After what I’ve been through I am a pro at this,haha!”

Fortunately for Candice, she is off crutches as well as her walking cast.

Candice also responds to reports going around saying her contract with WWE is set to expire in October. She says it’s completely false and that she has absolutely no desire to leave the company.

“Also, people have asked me if I’m leaving the wwe or that my contract is expiring in Oct. 2009, well this is so FALSE!!! First off my contract is not expiring this year and most importantly I have NO desire to leave WWE! I am still focused and gearing up for another return!”

Candice then has some choice words for the people who doubt her, say she’s injury prone, and believe her career in WWE is over.

“I have asked myself and prayed alot on why I have taken a back seat with another injury?! What I do know is what it feels like to be on the mountain top, and i know what the valley is like all to well, but i have news for all the Haters who have all these crazy reasons on why they think they know me and why my career at WWE is over…I am not unpacking my bags down in this valley but climbing out of it, even with one foot!lol! I have had a taste of the top so I know that the fight is worth it! I can preach and say x,y and z. However, this time ill just show you! I’m not too frail, injury prone, too old, nor have i lost my passion! Misfortune happens and that’s what makes me stronger and builds resiliency! So just know that weather you respect me, hate me, judge me, spread false accusations about me, this is my journey and I say when its over so hear me loud and clear I’m saying “ITS NOT OVER!!”

Lastly, Candice says she doesn’t have a page on FaceBook nor MySpace. She also has plans to give her official website,, a makeover so she can actually update it.

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