WWE RAW Results (2/9/2009) – Ric Flair Returns, & More!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, February 9th, 2009 (USA Network)
Location: The Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif.
Results by 411Mania.com

-Live from Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry “The King” Lawler

-We waste no time by starting right off with Ric Flair for a promo. They show pictures of Flair and Rourke at the premier of “The Wrestler” last December. Flair says it feels good to be out in front of WWE fans again and he’s missed us. Flair says this time a year ago he was fighting for his career, and the time came at Wrestlemania XXIV. He puts over Shawn as being the guy he wanted to lose to. Jericho puts an end to Flair’s lovefest pretty quick by interrupting. He says he won’t allow Flair to wax nostalgia and waste valuable airtime. Jericho says Flair is here to address comments Jericho made last week, but now he has comments for Flair. Jericho says he wants to show Flair footage, and he shows Jericho hugging Flair at his goodbye ceremony. Jericho says he hugged Flair out of respect, but had he known Flair would prostitute himself to any two bit promoter who would sign a check, that he would crave the spotlight more now than he had he his entire life he wouldn’t have hugged him, but rather he would have slapped him. Flair responds that had he known that Jericho was a condescending little punk insecure with himself. Flair says he will never sell out and he will never wrestle again. Flair says looking Jericho in the eye he’s losing respect for him by the minute. Jericho says he thinks he probably respects these people too. Flair agrees, and Jericho asks him if he really expects him to believe that he cares for these hypocrites. He says that’s sure he signs with any promoter who will slap his face on a poster and shake hands with the fans. Jericho says its not them who is the problem but rather Flair who needs to be in the spotlight. Flair says yes he does because he is the Nature Boy. Flair says he loves the spotlight. He says he retired from the ring, but he will never retire from the business. He loves to meet fans and tell them stories about him and the other legends. He says Jericho will never tell him how to live his life, because he lives his life the way he wants. Jericho says when he’s an honest man he gets a lot of people telling him its not his business. He says its his business because he is a locker room leader, and the boys respect him a lot more than he respects Flair. Jericho says he knows Flair will get in the ring again, because he can’t walk away from the business with any dignity. Jericho says that’s the point of “The Wrestler” that the people could care less about him. Jericho says the fans will cheer now, but when they go home they’ll post their pictures on facebook, go to bed, and forget about him. Jericho says unlike Mickey Rourke Flair doesn’t have a director to yell cut. Jericho tells Flair to tell the fans that he refuses to embarrass himself for the fans and that he won’t patronize these fans anymore. Jericho demands him to say it, and Flair refuses. Jericho tells the fans if they want to see a clown who falls on his face for their amusement. He tells Flair to strut and whooo for them like a good trained dog. Jericho finally crosses the line and gets a shot to the jaw. Flair then gives Jericho what he wants by doing a strut as Jericho heads to the locker room. Strong promo continuing the build towards whatever Jericho’s Wrestlemania program is.

-Recap of the Orton-McMahon’s angle is shown hyping the No Holds Barred match at No Way Out.

Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall (w. Santino & Rosa Mendes) vs. Melina & Kelly Kelly

Beth’s pink lipstick is absolutely out of control. A rematch for the womens title is announced for next week between Melina and Beth. Kelly and Jillian start. Jillian takes down Kelly by the hair out of an arm wringer a few times. Kelly flips out and hits a drop kick. Quick tag to Melina who drops the knee on the Beth in the corner. Beth gets a cheapshot from the outside sending Melina to the mat, and then gets tagged in. Beth comes in with a few shots and hits a cover for two. Bodyslam by Beth, sets up a legdrop attempt which misses. Melina comes back and Matrixes a clothesline attempt from Beth. Boot to the face is followed by a spinning kick, which gets two. Jillian tries to grab the hair from the outside, but gets pulled inside by Melina. Melina goes for a springboard attempt, but gets tripped up from the outside by Rosa Mendes. That allows Beth to hit the Glam Slam which finishes. They kept Kelly and Jillian out of this for the most part which is a good thing.

Winner: Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall (Beth pins Melina-Glam Slam *1/2)

-JBL is in the locker room and Shawn stops by, because JBL wanted to see him. JBL says he wanted to remind him of their all or nothing match at No Way Out. Shawn asks him if he thinks he forgot. JBL says he didn’t think that, but since Shawn is still his employee he scheduled Shawn for a match with Mark Henry tonight.

-Orton and Legacy are out for a few words. Orton says lost in the controversy between the McMahon’s and him as that he won the Royal Rumble. Orton says this means he will main event and he will face either the WWE or World Champion, and the choice is up to him. Orton says he hasn’t stopped thinking about it, and he will be Champion. Orton says no one can stand in his way. Not Vince, Shane or Stephanie McMahon. Orton says Stephanie has been intimidated because she thought Orton was going to punt her last week. Orton says he was never going to do that, but he just wanted to show Shane what could happen if he wanted to. Orton says he wants Stephanie to be around when he takes out yet another member of her family. Orton says Undertaker couldn’t stop him at Royal Rumble, and he won’t be able to stop him tonight. He says if Taker can’t beat him, what kind of chance does Shane think he has. Orton has a few words for Dibiase and Rhodes as they head to the ring for action. You know, one should note that Orton made a point to clearly state that he could face either champion at Wrestlemania. Don’t be stunned if HHH wins the chamber Sunday.

Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes vs. Cryme Tyme

Shad starts with Rhodes and immediately delivers forearms to him, and to Ted sending him off the apron. Biel out of the corner for Cody who sells it like only Cody can. Cody is able to comeback with a boot and tags in Dibiase. Ted attacks Shad from behind with a series of forearms before tagging Cody back in. He stomps Shad in the corner before again tagging in Dibiase. More stomps and another quick tag. They shoot Shad into the corner and another tag is made this time back to Dibiase. He delivers a kick to the head, which gets two. Dibiase applies Half-Nelson chinlock, but Shad is able to counter out of that. Dibiase charges with a boot but Shad catches him and throws him away. That allows both men to tag out. JTG is in with a clothesline to Cody. Flying shoulderblock off the ropes gives JTG complete control. The mugshot (facebuster out of the corner) gets a two count. Shad comes in to chase of Dibiase, but ends up on the floor. The distraction to JTG allows Rhodes to attack from behind with his new finisher now called the Cross-Rhodes (Roll of the dice). That finishes for Team Priceless.

Winners: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (Cody pins JTG-Cross-Rhodes **)

Kane, Mike Knox, & Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, & John Cena

All six guys get their own elaborate entrance. I’m normally not a fan of the jobber entrances, but we could have at least come back from break with Kane and Knox in the ring. Naturally after all six guys make their entrance we head to break.

We return in progress with Kane in control of Kofi. Kofi comes back with a dropkick to the legs, and a flying cross body off the top. Double legdrop gets two for Kofi. Kofi kicks away at the legs, but eventually runs into a big clothesline from Kane. Tag to Knox who drives an elbow to the back of the head of Kofi and locks in a chinlock. Kofi comes out of that and Knox misses a corner charge. Kofi tags in Cena who is in with a series of shoulderblocks and a protoplex. Five-knuckle shuffle connects and he goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Jericho distracts the ref allowing Kane to break up the attempt. Knox fires Cena to the floor and distracts the referee allowing Kane to drive him into the ring apron. Back inside Knox tags Kane back in who delivers an upper cut to Cena and a few stomps before a tag to Jericho. A slingshot to Cena clotheslines him on the bottom rope. Cena fires back with a few shots but runs into a flapjack from Cena, which picks up two. Half-Nelson chinlock which seems to be the new chic rest hold is locked in by Jericho. Cena quickly comes up and goes for the Attitude Adjustment again, but Jericho counters into a DDT and tags Kane. A whip to the corner is followed up with a clothesline, which gets two for Kane. Traditional headlock is applied by Kane proving he is old school with his rest holds. Cena powers out, but runs into a sidewalk slam which picks up a two count. Kane calls for the chokeslam but runs into an Attitude Adjustment which this time connects for Cena. He can’t make the cover though and instead makes the hot tag to Rey. Kane tags Jericho who is met with a seated senton and a hurracanrana. Another hurracanrana connects and a bulldog gets two for Mysterio. Knox broke up the count, but a charge attempt fails and Knox heads to the floor. Jericho runs into a drop toehold sending him into the second turnbuckle. Kofi tags in and whips Rey into the corner delivering a dropkick to Jericho. Rey gets pulled out by Kane leaving Kofi and Jericho in the ring. Kofi tries a springboard out of the corner but falls into a codebreaker from Jericho. Pinfall is academic as the heels pick up the win heading into the pay per view. Fun little match.
Winners: Chris Jericho, Kane, & Mike Knox (Jericho pins Kingston-Codebreaker **3/4)

-Stephanie is on the phone with someone. She says she’s not provoking Orton by showing up to do her job. She says if Orton comes back there security is not far away. She promises she can be careful. She says they all have a lot going on this weekend. Want to bet that was Trips on the other end of the line?

Shawn Michaels vs. Mark Henry (w. Tony Atlas)

Well I know Shawn can be a miracle worker, but this might be stretching it. Shawn should have worn a wig over his bald spot. Then Mark could split it. JBL comes to ringside to get a closer look after both men makes their entrance. Shawn attacks early before the bell. Henry throws him off, but charges into a drop toehold. Shawn and Henry fall to the floor in a brawl. Henry tries to slam Shawn on the floor, but Shawn slips down the backside and gets thrown into the post. Shawn grabs a chair and throws it into the ring. He throws it at Henry which draws the DQ. Great booking as Shawn seemed to outsmart the system by getting DQ’d and avoiding the match.

Winner: Mark Henry (Disqualificaiton-Steel Chair ¼*)

-JBL grabs the mic to remind Shawn that if he loses it at No Way Out and gets DQ’d then he will lose. JBL goes over the stipulations of the match again, and says what Mickey Mouse is to Disney Shawn will be to JBL. Shawn tries to leave, but JBL stops him, and advises him he didn’t dismiss him. JBL tells Shawn to bring his wife to No Way Out since the match means so much to Shawn’s family. JBL says he wants Shawn’s wife to see what a beaten down, battered old man her husband has become. He wants to see her face when she sees Shawn has lost his once chance to keep the vaunted Michaels respect in tact. JBL says he will do what he’s always done his entire life, and that is win. JBL is walking out, but reminds Shawn one more thing. He says at his office there will always be a place for a beautiful and talented lady like his wife. JBL on the mic is absolute gold. Unreal how personal this promo was. I now really want to see this match. One thing you can’t take away from JBL, he can talk you into the seats.

WWE Intercontinental Championship-William Regal (w. Layla) vs. CM Punk ©

Regal takes control quickly with a short knee and goes for a quick cover for two. Regal continues to pound away relentlessly in the corner, but Punk fires back with a shoulderblock and a barrage of kicks. Punk goes for the GTS, but Regal elbows his way out of that and a kick to the head gets one. Regal grabs what looks almost like a modified cobra clutch. Punk counters out and goes for a sunset flip, but Regal counters with a headbutt. Regal channels Bryan Danielson with a barrage of elbows to the head, which gets two. A pair of t-bone suplexes sets up the running knee, but Punk comes up with a spin kick to the head. Punk hits the GTS from there to retain. Disappointing rematch to say the least.

Winner: STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion-CM Punk (Pinfall-GTS *1/2)

-We get footage of Mickey Rourke winning a BAFTA, which is basically the British Oscars for best actor.

-Recap of the Flair-Jericho promo from earlier is shown

-Rundown of the No Way Out card. Raw & Smackdown Elimination Chambers, Orton-Shane, HBK-JBL, and Finlay-Swagger.

-Another recap of the Orton-McMahon feud is shown.

Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker

Taker’s entrance takes 2:25 for those of you who track that sort of thing. Taker fires Orton into the corner and hits a clothesline coming out. A second clothesline sends Orton to the floor. Taker goes out after him but Randy pounces and head back to the ring. Taker drops Randy’s head on the top rope before heading back inside. Taker sends Orton into the ropes, but Orton bails. Taker sneaks out the other side and meets Orton with a clothesline on the floor which sends us to break.

Back from break and Orton has Taker in control with a side headlock. Taker fights up with some punches, but runs right into a powerslam from Orton. Pin attempt gets two for Orton who goes back to work with the stomp. Another two count sets up another headlock from Orton. Taker counters out this time with a side suplex. Both men fight to their feet and trade blows in the middle. Taker eventually gets the better of it whipping Randy to the corner and following up with a corner splash. Snake eyes is VINTAGE UNDERTAKER~!!! as Cole has been waiting several months to say that again. Big boot and legdrop gets two from the Takester. Chokeslam is counters by Orton and an RKO attempt is countered. Taker goes for the tombstone, which draws the run in from Legacy and the DQ. Understandable being that both guys need to be kept strong for Sunday.
Winner: The Undertaker (Disqualification-Outside Interference **)

-The Legacy continues the beatdown as Dibiase and Rhodes hold Taker for Orton who continues the beat down. Orton calls them off and Randy goes for the RKO. Shane runs in and attacks Orton. Taker fights off Legacy chokeslamming Rhodes. Orton bails and leaves Dibiase as the sacrificial lamb. He eats a chokeslam and Shane delivers the Van Shaninator in the corner to send a message to Orton. Orton stares down Shane from the ram as we go off the air.