What You Didn’t See On RAW Last Night; Dark Match, More

Thanks to reader Shaunie O for sending in these live news items from last night’s WWE RAW from Nashville:

— For those who couldn’t see it from our view, which was solid, it looked like Noble landed on the top of his head when he took Mike Knox’s finisher. He was moving his arms and legs the whole time, which is good, but I doubt he’ll be at Mania now.

— It was obvious the Steamboat bit with Jericho was meant to take place in the ring, but couldn’t b/c they had to move Noble. Micheal Cole had to hual you-know-what at the last minute to get up to the ramp for the bit.

— The dark match main event saw John Cena defeat Edge by disqualification after the Big Show interfered. Cena then cleared Show out of the ring and hit his finisher on Edge to send the crowd home happy.

— Top Heat: Edge and Jericho were hot, but Orton and Vickie Guerrero got the most BY FAR.

— Top Cheers: Cena (Of course) and Christian, but HBK got the best reception of the night.

Overall, a top quality show, but we need a PPV in Nashville, it’s only been 7 years since Judgement Day 2002. Crowd was hot, but not overly so.
