Top TNA Star Up For WWE Honor, Kane, Triple H, & More

As reported earlier today, Voices: WWE The Music, Vol. 9 debuted at No. 11 on the Top 200 Current Albums Chart this week, selling approximately 25,000 to 26,000 albums. Music industry expert Mike Omansky had this to say regarding the album’s sales figures: “I would be disappointed with 25,0006 units if I were WWE. Usually the first week is the best week, unless there is some massive retail effort that I’m unaware of. And then it starts the descent. The 25,006 includes the special effort at Best Buy. Also, this CD will not be a big money maker, more of an image thing within the massive WWE Universe.”

The WWE website is kicking off Black History Month with a look at former Superstar S.D. “Special Delivery” Jones, who passed away this past October. His profile has been added to the WWE Alumni section.

In this week’s poll for the greatest “WWE Legend of WrestleMania,” former WWE Superstar & current TNA wrestler Kurt Angle is one of the choices for the honor. Other wrestlers listed in this week’s poll include Kane, Triple H, Andre the Giant and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. WWE will be running a new poll featuring five Superstars for six consecutive weeks and the winner will be announced during the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony on Saturday, April 4, 2009. You can vote in this week’s poll at

WWE fires Manu & Tiffany…..