The Big Show Turns 37, Rourke Wins Another Major Award, More

The Big Show turned 37 years old yesterday. Today marks his tenth year since signing his WWE contract. Big Show made his WWE debut in 1999 at the St. Valentines Day Massacre steel cage match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon.

Mickey Rourke walked away with the Best Actor Award at last night’s British Academy Film and Television Awards. The BAFTA’s are considered the UK version of the Oscars and last year, all four “best actor” BAFTA winners went on to win Oscars.

A video clip is now online of former WWE and ECW Champion Rob Van Dam’s appearance on “Geraldo At Large” from Friday night and can be viewed at ( RVD talks about the recent Michael Phelps bong controversey, the government’s law that marijuana is considered more dangerous than cocaine and methamphetamines, his 2006 arrest for pot that led him to being stripped of his titles and more.

Why Christian & WWE Broke Off The Deal – A WILD STORY!!!