TNA iMPACT! Results For 2/10 (Spoilers)


TNA Xplosion:

Roxxi def. Madison Rayne.

ODB def. Raisha Saeed.


Opening of Impact, Jim Cornette is with Jeff Jarrett in his office along with Mick Foley. They’re discussing Angle’s match with Sting and how it shouldn’t happen, its a liability to have a match, a fight without a referee.. Jarrett disagrees and Cornette asks Foley’s opinion, he answers simply “remember the half time of the Super Bowl?” Cornette says he’s not a help. Jarrett says would he rather have him and Angle go at it for a 3rd time and take the company down?

Kurt Angle is in the ring, he said TNA finally made the right decision. He said all he wants is him and Sting alone in the Impact Zone.

Motor City Machine Guns def. Lethal Consequences in a streetfight when Shelley pinned Creed

JB is in Jarrett’s office with Cornette, Foley & Jarrett. Cornette said they met Angle’s demands and only the cameramen to document it and the announcers to call it will be present.

Dave Penzer announced when the Impact Zone is cleared for the match, that the fans can still watch on monitors outside.

Backstage with the MEM, there’s a lot of internal arguing and Angle called Booker T out..Booker leaves and as he makes his way up the hall with Sharmell, AJ Styles attacks him with the Legends Title.

Beer Money, Inc comes to the ring. Robert Roode says they are the best..and they have knocked down every team put in front of them. They’ve come up with a very special idea..the Off The Wagon Challenge. James Storm goes on to explain that they will put the tag team titles on the line anytime, anyplace…but, whoever gets pinned, they have to leave TNA forever..they can’t come back under a mask, be an announcer, not even the stupid cameraman. And that challenge starts tonight.

LAX & Shane Sewell def Matt Morgan, Shiek Abdul Bashir & Brutus Magnus when Sewell pinned Bashir.

Taylor Wilde w/Roxxi & Gov Palin def Angelina Love w/Cute Kip & Velvet Sky.

JB catches up with Sting backstage and they discuss tonight’s upcoming match between him and Angle.

Off the Wagon Challenge Match
Beer Money Inc def the reuniting Team Canada of Eric Young & Petey Williams when Roode pinned Williams. Petey Williams is now gone from TNA Wrestling.

They now have the fans leave the arena to watch the monitors outside for the Kurt Angle/Sting match.

Sting & Angle went to a no-contest. They battled all over the arena and when Sting had Angle begging for mercy and was about to hit him a second time with a steel chair, Angle begged for mercy and pled with Sting not to hit him. Suddenly, Kevin Nash appeared at ringside and as Sting was about to give in and hit Angle, Nash grabbed the chair from him and Scott Steiner held back Angle and Nash held back Sting…Sting extended his hand to Angle, he accepted and then spit in Sting’s face. Nash & Steiner restrained the two and Angle went back up the ramp with Steiner while Sting remained at ringside.

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