TNA iMPACT! Results For 3/5 + More (Spoilers)

– Kurt Angle cut a promo which was interrupted by Jeff Jarrett, who Angle wanted to fight. Mick Foley hit the ring and said if Angle wants a fight, it should be with him. They went face-to-face before Foley backed down and left the ring.

– Backstage, Jim Cornette told Sting that both he and Angle will tonight pick a wrestler to represent them to fight later in the show, with Sting and Angle in their respective wrestlers’ corner.

– In a 6-Man Elimination Tag Team Match featuring Beer Money, Inc. and Matt Morgan vs. Team 3D and Abyss, Matt Morgan pinned Abyss for the win. Post-match, Morgan brought out a bag of thumb tacks only for Lauren to come out and try and protect Abyss. Morgan set up to chokeslam them both but Abyss was able to stop him from hitting the move.

– Taylor Wilde beat Madison Rayne with Traci Brooks as referee. Roxxi, The Governor, The Beautiful People and Cute Kip were all at ringside and the Knockouts got into a post-match brawl.

– Mick Foley, sat doing commentary with Mike Tenay, was attacked by the Main Event Mafia. Booker T was in Foley’s face but security pulled him away, which led to Scott Steiner nailing him from behind.

– Lethal Consequences and LAX beat Booker T, Scott Steiner and The Motor City Machineguns when Hernandez pinned Sabin.

– The main event saw Kurt Angle pick one of the MEM’s bodyguards to fight on his behalf, while Sting picked Eric Young. Young got the win. Post-match, Angle attacked Sting. Mick Foley came out to help Sting but Steiner and Kevin Nash hit the ring. Jeff Jarrett then hit the ring and took out the bodyguards. Jarrett announced that Destination X will feature a main event of Sting vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA title with Jarrett as referee and Mick Foley as ringside enforcer.
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