Ric Flair’s ROH Deal Revealed, ROH/’Mania Weekend, J.R, & More

Credit: PWInsider.com

PhillyBlurbs.com has an article up on ROH, their TV deal with HDNet, and some discussion of The Wrestler.

As announced in the ROH Newswire, Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries is set to be the 3rd TV main event for the company.

There will be a Ric Flair promo in the next ROH Newswire, hyping his appearance in St. Louis.

The deal between ROH and Flair looks to be for 5 to 6 appearances.

NWA Champion Blue Demon, Incognito and Magno will be working the ROH events in Houston, Texas, which take place over WrestleMania weekend.

Jim Ross has a new blog up, here are some of the highlights: On Bishoff’s Gagne Blog: Great blog recently by Eric Bischoff speaking of the challenges facing the Gagne family after the tragedy that Verne was apparently involved in where he was staying in an assisted living home. I had heard the story some time ago of the state of Minnesota “legally” taking Verne’s family home/land which sickens me. For those of us that spoke with Verne when he was inducted into the WWE HOF, Verne had “issues” then and apparently they were progressing at a rapid rate. Verne actually got off a funny line about Vince McMahon during his HOF speech but, trust me, there were issues that Verne’s family had to deal with while at the function. I hope this matter doesn’t result in a lawsuit as both families involved in this tragedy need peace and closure brought to this situation much sooner than later. Getting money hungry lawyers involved in a personal injury lawsuit or a civil suit just doesn’t seem appropriate in this particular matter. I cannot see a jury finding Verne guilty under his unique and unfortunate circumstances. On the new WWE Superstars Show: It is frustrating to see on the ‘net where some fans are already declaring that the WWE TV show on WGN beginning in April the WWE’s “C” show without ever seeing one episode of it nor knowing exactly what the show’s format will be. Any talent who gets air time on WGN should look at it as a tremendous opportunity to impress the fans and decision makes. I’ve said it before, no matter one’s role, when they get valuable TV time make the most of the opportunity. If it’s only 3-4 minutes, then make it a memorable and special 3-4 minutes and that can be done. Wrestlers, announcers, and any other personalities involved with the WGN process has the chance to turn heads if they remain positive and put forth the effort. I can assure you that if I broadcast this show I’m not phoning in any thing. On the Hall of Fame Special only Being an Hour: Speaking of TV, and this is merely one guy’s opinion, but it seems as if USA Network might be missing an opportunity by limiting the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony to only one hour. This event is one of the most special nights of the year and a two hour show would fly by for most viewers. I think USA made a great call on making the Annual WWE Draft a 3 hour broadcast but I feel just as confident that the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony could be a helluva, two hour show. Between USA, Sci Fi, and MyNetworkTV one would think that this event go move to 2 hours next year. On Recent Economic Woes: Even with domestic economic woes facing all of us, WWE had a great weekend in the southeastern part of the USA and did some strong business in Mexico, Peru, and Chile. The event in Santiago, Chile was sold out as was Friday night’s event in Guadalajara. The future business picture for WWE internationally is encouraging and it seems that more foreign territories will evolve much like the UK has which is an amazing development. Years ago, I thought being booked “down south” meant heading to Louisiana…..not South America.