Paul London Apologizes To WWE Star, Bourne Note, & More

As noted earlier, Paul London made his first wrestling-related appearance since his departure from WWE at this past weekend’s Pro Wrestling Guerilla show in California. During the show, London cut a promo saying said he would be working his “first wrestling match in five years” later that night. In some unreported news, London apologized for his negative comments in some recent interviews during the promo. In particular, he apologized to Matt Sydal (ECW wrestler Evan Bourne) as he was quite negative on the up-and-comer during a recent interview.

During an interview with The Pain Clinic radio show, London called Sydal’s Shooting Star maneuver “lackluster” and made fun of his WWE ring name by saying someone on the creative team probably watched the “Bourne” movie trilogy and decided it would be a good idea to give Sydal the Evan Bourne name. London then said Bourne means “carried” in the dictionary. London offered more comments on Sydal, saying he’s half his weight and something along the lines of “circus de gay.”

Petey Williams will be appearing at the KFW event in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on March 25th, 2009. Go to for info about KFW and or for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)

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