Kennedy’s WWE Return, Big International Star To WWE?, More

Ken Kennedy is expected back full time at the end of the month. He’s scheduled to face The Big Show on upcoming house show events.

Tuesday night at the Smackdown tapings in Fresno, California, Dragon Gate star CIMA worked a dark match, losing to Jamie Noble.

The Stamford Advocate is reporting that the Connecticut State Senate voted 34-1 in favor of Linda McMahon joining the Connecticut Board of Education, which places her one step closer to the appointment. Linda’s appointment will now go to the State’s House of Representatives. On the appointment, Senator Joan Hartley had the following to say: “That particular business [pro wrestling] is very different from the sport of wrestling that we promote in our middle schools and high schools. It lacks civility and the decorum I think we want to see in our youth and in our athletics for our youth.”

The Los Angeles Times recently interviewed Marisa Tomei about The Wrestler, the Oscars and more. You can check out the full interview at