Random Rewind: Jake Roberts slaps Miss Elizabeth

Jake Roberts Slaps Miss Elizabeth

(Circa ’91)


If you go back through the history of wrestling, you’ll find dozens upon dozens of intense and heated rivalries.  During the early 90’s period, you might be hard pressed to find a rivalry non more intense than Jake Roberts vs Randy Savage.  From the summer of ’91 through the start of ’92, Roberts and Savage were engulfed in a bitter war with one another that was as much personal as it was physical.  The fans got to see both wrestlers at the top of their game in the matches and in the promos

The catalyst for the feud came when Jake Roberts and then partner, The Undertaker, viciously attacked Savage during his own wedding party at Summerslam 91.  They would finally meet on TV one on one at the first WWF Tuesday Night PPV, Tuesday in Texas.

Randy Savage would pick up the victory win his famous elbow drop from the top rope, but it’s what happened after the match that would go down in history.  After the elbow drop, Savage went for the ring bell.  As Savage went to smack Jake with the bell, the ref grabbed it away from him, which then allowed Jake to hit the DDT on Savage.  Jake would go on to hit two more DDT’s and then he went his cobra from under the ring.  As this was happening, Savage’s wife, Miss Elizabeth came running out and draped herself over an unconscious Savage.  Jake proceeded to scream at Liz and antagonize her for a good couple of minutes. Now Roberts was known to snort a few lines of powder before shows in these days, so this could of been the coke acting out here.  Jake  got a little tired of all the crying and whining Elizabeth was doing in the ring, so he decided to grab her by the hair, stand her up and slap her right in the face.  LOL.  You heard a simultaneous gasp in the crowd and probably all throughout the offices of various advertising partners of the company. Now, you may be thinking to yourself that a male wrestler slapping a female valet is nothing compared to today’s wrestling.  But remember, this was 1991.   Something like this just wasn’t done back then, especially on WWF TV.  Jake would finally get removed from the ring by then WWF President, Jack Tunney to end the segment.

Jake and Savage would continue their feud for a couple more months and there is a couple more moments out of this feud to talk about in future editions.