In-Depth Update On T.J Wilson’s ECW Debut & Natalya, DH Smith

During this weeks edition of ECW on Sci Fi, General Manager Theodore Long blew off a discussion with Jamie Noble to talk to a wrestler by the name of Tyson — who was accompanied by SmackDown Diva Natalya. They discussed his background of training in the Stu Hart’s legendary “Dungeon.” Tyson then directed a one-liner towards Noble, saying he would send the “big dog” back to the pound.

Following the commercial break, Tyson, under the name Tyson Kidd, beat the one and only Bao Nguyen in his ECW debut. Kidd hit a spinning kick and then followed it up with a springboard flying elbow before pinning Nguyen. Following the bout, Noble walked onto the stage and clapped.

As I noted earlier here on the website, Kidd is longtime Hart family friend T.J. Wilson. Wilson signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment in November 2006 and had been in developmental ever since. Wilson has a wealth of experience as he has been wrestling since 1995 when he was only fifteen years old.

For the past few months, there had been talk of bringing Wilson and longtime friend DH Smith up to the main roster as The New Hart Foundation with Natalya as their manager. As recently as December, officials had given thought to placing them on SmackDown to feud with WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo Colon, but they went with the already established The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson instead. Shortly there after, Smith and Wilson lost the FCW Florida Tag Team Championships and then broken up.

The team broke up after Smith went to the creative team on his own and made a request to be brought on board for the Legacy. This upset Natayla & T.J as they felt Smith had disrespected them and was only about himself. Officials had plans to add DH Smith to group, but those plans cooled off after the sudden twist on Raw a few weeks ago involving Randy Orton and Vince McMahon. Now Smith is back in a state of limbo and it is unknown as to when officials will finally call him up to main roster.

With Wilson on ECW, Natalya has been transferred from the SmackDown roster to manage him. Natalya is close to Wilson as the WWE Diva has been dating him since November 2001 and the two have lived together for approximately six years.

Natalya’s strong push on SmackDown came to an end at the hands of Michelle McCool in a match to determine the first WWE Divas Champion at last July’s Great American Bash pay-per-view. Since then, Natalya had done little of note on SmackDown and would be left off television more often than not. In recent months officials started having her put over the less experienced Divas on the roster including the likes of The Bella Twins and backstage announcer Eve Torres.

In a case of turnabout is fair play, it looked like Smith was going to be involved in a major storyline at his request, leaving Wilson and Natalya behind to fend for themselves. Now Wilson and Natalya have spots on the main roster, whereas Smith is left to fend for himself in developmental.

REPORT: DH Smith Requests WWE Release…..