Breaking News: WWE Crowns New WWE & World Champions

WWE crowned a new WWE champion as well as a new WWE World Champion at No Way Out.

The SD! elimination chamber came down to Triple H and The Undertaker. Triple H and Taker exchanged punches near the end of the match. Triple H came back with a few punches on Taker in the corner. Taker then lifted Triple H up for a Last Ride, Triple H jumped off, turned around, hit a Pedigree, and covered and gets the pinfall. That was a great PPV opener.

Prior to the RAW Elimination Chamber main event, Edge attacked Kofi Kingston and put himself into the match. The end of the match featured Rey Mysterio and Edge. Mysterio hit a modified 619 to the back of Edge’s head. Edge then stood up and Mysterio charged. Edge was then able to lift Mysterio up launching him into a chamber pod. He then hit a Spear on Mysterio, hooked the leg and got the pinfall.

My guess is that one of the two (Triple H or Edge) will be transferred over to RAW during the WWE draft following ‘Mania.

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