Breaking News: Another TNA Firing

X Division wrestler Sonjay Dutt, 26, is the latest wrestler to part ways with TNA. His contract was coming up next month and the two sides weren’t able to come to terms on a new deal.

The departure caught a few people by surprise as he was a big part of the company’s face in India, where Impact is a high rated show.

While he hadn’t been used much in recent months, his name was still coming up in creative meetings as recently as last week, so company officials were looking to keep him on board until sometime this weekend.

As a result of Dutt’s departure from the organization, it remains to be seen where SoCal Val goes from here. She had been working as his valet in recent months following the conclusion of his feud with “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal.

The TNA website has already removed his profile from the roster page, thus confirming his departure from the organization.

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