Bischoff Comments On Gagne, J.R Note, ‘Mania Advertising, Kelly

Jim Ross has updated his website with a new Q&A, which you can check out at

WWE recently bought ad space on the hockey boards at the New York Islanders’ home arena (Nassau Coliseum) to advertise the upcoming WrestleMania 25 pay-per-view. The ad features an image of John Cena alongside the WrestleMania 25 logo and the words “Live on Pay Per View April 5.”

Eric Bishoff has a new blog up, where he discusses the recent Verne Gagne incident, and offers support Gagne, who broke him into the business: Above all that Verne has accomplished as an athlete, father, and a businessman, the Verne Gagne that I know was one of the most generous and caring people I have ever met. He gave tirelessly to the community and was passionate about supporting the community where he lived. Verne Gagne deserves better. I promised myself that I would refrain from my usual rant when it comes to the media, but as the days go by I am getting more and more angry. Perhaps if the State of Minnesota and Hennepin County where Verne built the home he invested his life work in and wanted to retire, hadn’t forced him to give up his property for a fraction of its market value by invoking an act of socialism known as “eminent domain” (for those who don’t know Verne had a spectacular home on a large acreage that the State/County wanted as a park on Lake Minnetonka just west of Minneapolis), Verne and his family would gave been better able to provide for Verne’s care without having to live in an assisted living facility. Perhaps that’s the story the media should focus on: that despite the hard work, contribution, and self made success of an individual like Verne Gagne, the State of Minnesota and Hennepin County can force a then 62 year old man to take pennies on the dollar for his life’s work, and end up in an assisted living facility in such a tragic situation. Perhaps that would help shed some real light on the real story that has made victims of the Guttman and Gagne family. is running a wacky angle on the website, involving Cryme Tyme, Kelly Kelly and Jim Duggan being kidnapped by IRS.

WWE Draft **SPOILERS** – Edge To ECW, Orton To SD!, Cryme Tyme To SD! [>>]