A Hurricane Helms Imposter, Paul London Returning, Cena, More

Former WWE superstar Paul London will return to the ring for the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla promotion. London will be in action on February 21st when PWG returns to Reseda, Calififornia. He’ll team with The Young Bucks in a 6-man tag match against Joey Ryan, Scotty Lost and Karl Anderson. Visit ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com for more details.

It was announced on the ESPN NACSAR Now show that WWE World Champion John Cena will be a celebrity participant in the ESPN.com stock car challenge fantasy game.

Hurricane Helms sent out the following blog, warning of an imposter Hurricane:
Newest Poser Alert! (02-02-09)
I have nothing to do with this one either. Don’t worry about sending them bad messages or anything, just block them or delete them. They just want attention, don’t give it to them. Thx yo!

Due to New York Yankees Baseball, WWE Smackdown will be preempted three times on the New York MyNetworkTV affiliate. Those dates are:
* 6.26.08
* 8.28.09
* 9.25.09

SHOCKING: The Rock At WWE’s Titan Towers Today!!!!