Vince McMahon Flirting?, Latest Chyna Update Inside, HBK, Kennedy, More

Today’s gossip page of the New York Daily News has an item about WWE head honcho Vince McMahon, noting that he was “recently spotted in an ‘uber-tight T-shirt’ eying a pretty lass in a Florida airport so hard, she got up and left.” Vince owns a $15 million condo in Boca Raton, Florida.

As noted last night, Joanie “Chyna” Laurer’s management team is stating that she did not try to commit suicide over the weekend. Instead they are saying that she “made an error” with her recently prescribed medication, and then drank alcohol. This caused her to black out and fall into a mirror, which caused the cuts on her arms. Her management also states that she was never admitted to the hospital for mental evaluation, and was released from the ER. But another ‘Chyna’ source is claiming that Laurer is canceling all of her upcoming appearances, and that she will be entering into a specialized rehab center in Texas, to focus on her health.

As noted over the weekend, Shawn Michaels had two very successful autograph signings over the weekend. On December 28th in Levittown, PA, the two-hour autograph signing brought in over 500 fans. The signing the next day, in Long Island, NY, saw over 600 fans attend in the same time period.

Behind Enemy Lines – Colombia will be pushed heavily over the next two weeks on WWE programming. The film comes out on January 7th, 2009.